


Some People Are Only On Loan Beloved, thank you for lending me your beautiful and tender presence, your heart, your strength, your love. I love you more than you can imagine.

All our cards are blank inside so you can express your personal wishes. Matching colorful envelopes. Order 12 or more cards total and they’ll come in a clear box with a gold stretchy ribbon, a free hug coupon and you’ll get 10% off your card order. Shazam!


“Beloved”… Some People Are Only On Loan.   Beloved, thank you for lending me your beautiful and tender presence, your heart, your strength, your love. I love you more than you can imagine

All our cards are blank inside so you can express your personal wishes. Matching colorful envelopes. Order 12 or more cards total and they’ll come in a clear box with a gold stretchy ribbon, a free hug coupon and you’ll get 10% off your card order. Shazam!